Here are some beer facts I learned from our recent Tech Talk at Havoc Brewing on the Science of Beer Brewing (YouTube video).
10 Beer Facts
- Beechwood had historical uses in starting a beer batch with yeast from the last batch How to make a yeast ring, and as a clarifier with beechwood aging Beechwood Aging
- Hops is related to cannabis Beer 101: What is the Relationship Between Cannabis and Beer? (
- You can hire a mobile canning machine company to come to your brewery Mobile Canning Services
- The chokepoint in the process of making beer in a brewery is the final fermentation which takes 1-2 weeks. The whole process that comes before that final step takes only one day.
- Most beer is brewed from malted (sprouted) milled barley. But, if you mill it too small, the barley flour will turn into a gel and the yeast can’t get to it properly, and it gunks up your tank. The malted barley needs to be cracked just a bit by the milling process.
- You can order your own commercial brewery from Raleigh from ABS Commercial
- There are 100+ styles of beer. Small changes in a recipe can result in creating a different style. (Sorry. Not sorry.) How Many Beer Styles Are There?
- Beer is about cleaning, and more cleaning. Brewing requires the right microbes. Some microbes are very bad for beer and humans.
- Nitrogen can be added to make beer creamier simply because it causes smaller bubbles. Good Beer Gas: Nitro Beers Explained
- Havoc Brewing will begin selling to two local stores very soon and has plans for expansion.